DS Anderson & Co: your partner for successful growth

Based in Kirkintilloch, to the north of Glasgow, DS Anderson & Co has a very well-established reputation in the area.


Our firm was founded in 1991 by proprietor Donald Anderson, a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS). It has developed into an established accounting practive serving many clients. Small businesses, both incorporated and non-incorporated, comprise the majority of our client base, with the preparation of accounts, related tax compliance and business/tax advice representing the core of our work.  


The accountancy function of a business can be time consuming and the legislation on VAT, PAYE etc. is complex and problematic.


We have a team of qualified and experienced personnel who will respond quickly to meet your demands on a timely and cost effective basis. We have a commitment to developing and maintaining a close personal contact with all clients and to provide a value for money service.


At DS Anderson & Co, client accounting records are maintained on a secure in-house IT system with daily backups held in an off-site location. We use the latest accounting software complying with HMRC policies and guidelines, with all necessary documentation being submitted electronically.



Click here for a detailed list of services


Office hours

9am - 5pm   Mon - Fri


DS Anderson & Co
62 Townhead, Kirkintilloch

Glasgow G66 1NZ


Tel: 0141 776 6842


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Making an appointment


You can contact us on the following telephone number if you have any queries or wish to make an appointment:


Tel: 0141 776 6842







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© 2016, DS Anderson & Co